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An innovative calendar, journaling and habit tracker all in one.

A dashboard for your life

Priorities yourself,
not your work

53million is a next generation dashboard to better organise your personal life.

Journaling to infinity

A detailed journaling tool for every day of your life. Intuitive, modern commands make it easy to navigate your story.

Discover the Intentions driving you

Your life is a tapestry of stories coming from individual threads into a unified whole. Reflect that structure in how you plan your week.

Build a routine that works for you

Cut through the noise of the day to day and focus on what matters. Each day comes with a customisable routine builder that lets you organise your time however you want. Add automatons and connect them to your intentions to understand where your time goes. Wake up every morning with the perfect plan. Quick to set up and easy to customise to your routine.

Set, track and achieve your goals

Journal every day of your life down to the last minute


Life dashboard

Focus mode

Beautiful background

The infinity journal

Journal at different levels of time detail (daily, weekly, monthly…) and complete your tapestry. Customise your calendar cards with habit reports, intention statements and astrological activity.

Sun and moon data

Schedule builder

Goal Scoreboard + reports

Intergrations with other apps

More to come!

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